Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

By Lakeview Physio
Delaine Loucks
Pain Management
April 2, 2024

MLDM is a gentle oil free massage aimed at specifically moving lymphatic fluid through an area of congestion or injury to promote healing and well being.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

MLDM is a gentle oil free massage aimed at specifically moving lymphatic fluid through an area of congestion or injury to promote healing and well being.

What is the function of the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is a major part of our immune system. Its main function is the transport of lymph back into the circulatory system and production of white blood cells that fight against infection and foreign bodies. The maintenance of fluid levels, metabolic waste and absorption of fat from the digestive system.

Where is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is a complex network throughout the body and consists of blood vessels, tissues, organs and capillaries.

When and why would someone consider Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

For various reasons, such as injury, surgery, post cancer edemas, inflammation and many others, the lymphatic system can get backed up and the drainage of fluids is impeded and results in excessive edema (swelling) of an area. You can also have a sluggish system that may not result in visible edema but can have an effect in general health and well being.

This edema if not resolved can, over time, turn into a lymphedema.

What is Lymphedema?

There are two types of lymphedemas:

Primary, (idiopathic) lymphatic vessels that are undeveloped, underdeveloped or incompetent and are considered a genetic malformation.

This type requires decongestive therapies (bandaging).

Secondary, which can result in edema from surgery, cancer, radiation therapy, trauma, burns, infections, injury, and other conditions.

Surgical interventions disrupt lymphatic drainage as vessels are unavoidably severed. With cancers that involve the necessary removal of lymph nodes there is a more serious disruption of lymph flow with possible development of lymphedema at some point. Radiation also impacts the vessels’ ability to move fluids.

How can MLDM help?

Manual lymphatic drainage massage assists the lymphatic system to gently move the excess build up of fluid from an area and help to prevent lymphedema from developing.

MLDM is a very gentle pressure performed with no oil.

Who can receive manual Lymphatic Massage?

Most everyone can benefit from this important modality whether they have edema or not.

Individuals who have Primary Lymphedema can have treatment but no bandaging is performed here.

Individuals who have cancer and are in active treatment need clearance from their doctor and are finished with any chemotherapy.

What are a few of the conditions that may benefit from MLDM?                                        

  • Lymphedema
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic pain
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Headache
  • Post surgical edema
  • Relief of numerous chronic and subacute inflammations
  • Detoxification
  • Deep relaxation to aid insomnia, stress and loss of vitality

Who should not receive therapy? Contraindications. Not an exhaustive list.

  • Acute infections
  • Hot red infected tissues
  • Cellulitis
  • Thrombosis
  • Venus obstructions
  • Major cardiac conditions
  • Lymphomas (cancer of the lymphatic system)


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