Linda Peters

Registered Massage Therapist


Born and raised in Scotland, Linda danced her way through her early years into her 20s, taught dance, danced professionally and became a fitness trainer with various organizations. Linda was an early year’s educator for 15 years where she gained a love and appreciation for the littler humans.

After qualifying as a Massage Therapist with Vicars School of Massage Therapy, Linda went on to train in Kinetic Massage, this type of massage places a strong emphasis on the health of joints and their surrounding tissues. By certifying in Pediatric Massage and Touch Therapy (for children with Autism), Linda found her way back to the younger population.  She is a Story Massage Instructor (a massage program suitable for preschool aged children and children with special needs), and a Cosmic Kids Yoga Instructor. Realizing there was a missing link between touch therapy and massage therapy, led her to certification for techniques specific to children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).  She is also a Certified Infant Massage Teacher (CIMT) where she shows caregivers effective massage techniques for their infants.

Linda hopes the unique blend of these different modalities will empower the younger generation with tools, tips & techniques to successfully navigate the world around them and have a stronger sense of self and their abilities.  Linda is also passionate about women's health care and recently completed her Prenatal Massage certification.  

When not working, Linda loves to spend time with her family, walk her dogs, travel, escape from Escape Rooms, and watch movies.

Linda Peters
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